Air Cleaners
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Barely visible, but definitely present in every room: dust, pollen, bacteria and even virus particles. In well-ventilated areas we usually have little trouble with it, however, most rooms often do not have good ventilation.
To ensure that you are less affected by that annoying hay fever, dust mite allergy, asthma complaints, reduce the risk of infection with a virus (think of the Corona virus) or want to get rid of those unpleasant odors, it is advisable to place an air purifier.
The German Fraunhofer Institute has measured the effect of placing air cleaners in indoor spaces. The test conducted by this institute with a surrogate COVID-19 virus showed that the air purifiers removed 99.43% of the virus particles from the air!
Dehaco Air Cleaners S50 en R150
Do you have any questions? Please call +370 678 86 660
To ensure that you are less affected by that annoying hay fever, dust mite allergy, asthma complaints, reduce the risk of infection with a virus (think of the Corona virus) or want to get rid of those unpleasant odors, it is advisable to place an air purifier.
The German Fraunhofer Institute has measured the effect of placing air cleaners in indoor spaces. The test conducted by this institute with a surrogate COVID-19 virus showed that the air purifiers removed 99.43% of the virus particles from the air!
Dehaco Air Cleaners S50 en R150
Do you have any questions? Please call +370 678 86 660